

Since its establishment in 1989, the Department of Robotics has been focusing on the complex field of robotics - in education, research and science and expert services for practice. According to the current trends the department members concentrate also on the service robotics and robototechnics and on application of robots in non-machinery branches


Společnost MCAE Systems byla založena v roce 1995 a sídlí v moderní budově v Kuřimi u Brna, která je současně i školicím střediskem a inovačním centrem. V roce 2013 jsme otevřeli prezentační a servisní centrum MCAE Systems – Centrum 3D digitálních technologií – v Plazech u Mladé Boleslavi. Od roku 2016 jsme součástí globální servisní sítě Stratasys Direct Manufacturing, poskytujeme tak služby v oblasti 3D technologií de facto po celém světě. Zákazníci se mohou spolehnout na špičkové, moderní technologie a s důvěrou se obrátit na tým školených odborníků, kteří je dokáží podpořit v každé fázi vývoje produktu či výrobního procesu.


Jsme specialisté v oboru pohonné techniky, automatizace a robotiky. Zakládáme si na kvalitním a komplexním servisu v oblasti engineeringu, který vyžaduji aplikace s důrazem na pohyb a polohování. Naše renomé nás v podnikání doprovází na každém pracovním jednání a při každém úkolu.


Prusa Research was founded as a one-man startup in 2012 by Josef Prusa, a Czech hobbyist, maker and inventor - and now one of the most famous names in the 3D printing industry. Now, there are more than 600 people working in Prusa Research and they ship over 9000 printers worldwide directly from their HQ in Prague every month.


We are original Czech company, which provides technical trade, development and contracting services in the field of industrial automation, industrial and tailor-made PC systems. We are developers and manufacturers of systems for power engineering (HW&SW) and single-purpose machines with own electrical and mechanical engineering. Last but not least, our company is active in the area of ecology and illuminated POS advertising.


EGT Express is an international logistics company headquartered in Velká Bystřice with more than 25 years of experience, offering transport services between all EU and Asian countries, including Russia and the Middle East. Our international team consists of more than 20 nationalities, which contributes greatly to our deep knowledge of local markets and smooth communication, while EGT offices are strategically located near key transport hubs to provide efficient solutions tailored to all needs.

Become a partner

We are proud of our team's accomplishments. However, in order to get to the top places in rover competitions, we have to upgrade our rover. We are looking for partners to fund our future goals!
If you are interested, please contact us at the email address listed below.


17. listopadu 2172/15,
708 00
Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic 


Phone: +420 597 329 368
Mobile: +420 737 570 794


Twitter: @team_roverova

Facebook: VŠB - RoverOva

Instagram: team_roverova

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